

Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology is a complimentary alternative health therapy using muscle testing to work with the sub-conscious, identifying stress or imbalance within the body system.

Kinesiology combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing. Various tests are completed on reflexes, meridians, patterns, behaviours, hormones, posture and nervous/body systems. A range of techniques are then used to create balance and change.

Our body is an amazing bio-system storing memories, emotions, trauma, patterns and behaviours, which can be carried through generations.

Kinesiology can quickly access and determine the best course of action to restore balance in the body, allowing you to be the best version of yourself.

A holistic healing modality using techniques from Chinese Meridian Therapy balancing the system and creating opportunities for change.

The body knows what it needs to heal.

Multi-Dimensional Soul Healing

Multi-Dimensional Soul Healing (MDSH) provides deep level of healing for your soul, body and core inner self.

Like Kinesiology, MDSH uses muscle testing to test energy systems to align, balance and clear whatever is preventing you from being your best self.

Instead of walking through life with density, you can walk through life being lighter, where you can experience flow and ease.

Our body and soul have numerous energy systems connecting and flowing all throughout our system. It’s amazing to see what can be held through trauma and experiences. Even from our ancestors! Our bodies are AMAZING! Through muscle testing we can identify stress within the body and test to see what we need to do to correct/clear it.

MDSH provides opportunities for healing with herbs and plants, anointing oils, sound, meridian therapy and so much more!

MDSH provides exploration of powerful information to clear blockages you no longer need to carry around.

When you’re on your souls correct path, you can ascend to higher dimensions, flowing through life with ease, operating at a higher lighter frequency.

What to expect

The healing starts once you have made the choice to walk through the door. It shows willingness to change.

Why see a Kinesiologist? Here are a few things we balance- mental health, sensitivities, allergies and intolerance to foods, anxiety, auto immune, hormonal adrenal fatigue and skin disorders, behavioural issues and enhanced learning to name a few…

A conversation provides an opportunity to work with the sub-conscious revealing hidden gems and direction for healing.

Each balance is magical, and different for each person, each visit. Working with the priority for change required at the time of the balance. The subconscious decides.

Throughout the balance there will be information collected such as past trauma, specific dysfunctions within the body, communication and relationship difficulties. These will provide information for correction and healing.

There are hundreds of options for healing. That’s why all balances are different! One balance you might be listening to the sound of a singing bowl, the next you could be looking at a pen as we integrate the brain, or testing to see if there’s electrical balances in your environment. The options are endless!

We use herbs, language, sounds, oils, sprays, acupressure points, meridian therapy, reflex therapy, neurovascular massage, muscle and body work, brain integration, and so, so much more!